Sabtu, 30 Oktober 2010

Parts of Microscope (biology lesson)

Well, Iam nor really good at biology. But I can teach u about parts of microscope for a beginner (like me), cause I think this is the easiest lesson from Biology. Lets check it out!  

Lets start from the easiest microscope.

1. Eye piece, to magnify the object image. (u will use one eye to see it)
2.  Revoling nose piece or Revoler, to choose a lens.
3. Objective lens, is the nearest lens from object. 
4. Course Adjusment Knob or Macrometer, for move up and down tube of microscope to get the perfect spot.
 5. Fine Adjustment knob or Micrometer, to get the perfect reflection. 
6. Stage, is a place for the object
7. Mirror, to direct the light reflection.

 Well, I think above there's is the most important part. I know I should learn my english skill to be better. Cause I know my english-skill is not really good. So Iam sorry for a tons of mistake. Hehehehe :)

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