Jumat, 05 November 2010

A touching story from my Indonesian teacher: Will someone already in heaven reply a letter?

This friday, my Indonesian teacher told a story about a a boy who left by his father when he was really young. One day, it was near of Idul Fitri day, and he asked her mom, "mom, where's father?", "he''s gone, honey. to heaven". After that, that little-poor-boy wrote a letter, "Hi Dad, Idul Fitri day is near, My friends just got their new clothes. And I want it too dad", then he write "to my dad in heaven" on the envelope. Then he gave that letter to post man.

The post man was confused, will he kill himself and give the letter for this-poor-boy's dad? After he thought really hard, then he teold his boss. His boss thought this boy doesn't know that his father just left. And he thinks 'heaven' is in out of this city. The boss really pity, he thought hard and finally he got an idea. he wrote a letter, "Hi my beloved son, this is what u want. and...son, don't send me a letter again ya, cause iam really busy. God bless u :)".

Then the post man gave the present and the letter for that little boy. After that, he never write a letter for his dad in heaven. The end

This story is really touching~ Isn't it? 

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